Home Letters Ladera Heights and How the System Works

Ladera Heights and How the System Works


Re “Abrams or Elmont: Who Was Right?

Although fellow School Board candidate Gary Abrams and I have already corresponded directly, I feel compelled to address his letter regarding Ladera Heights.

No, there would have been no additional tax revenue available to either Culver City Unified School District or to the city of Culver City had Ladera Heights been incorporated into our school district.

Many misunderstand how school districts receive money.

It does not come directly from our local taxes property or otherwise.

Instead, all our tax money goes to Sacramento.

Then Sacramento who then doles out an allowance of about $36 per day per student in attendance. Swapping students who are on permit in our schools for students from Ladera Heights would not have resulted in more revenue nor would the tax revenue from Ladera Heights have impacted CCUSD in any manner.

It still would go directly to Sacramento.

As for Measure EE, the parcel tax:

Let me point out that Sacramento has been reducing the amount of money it gives to schools. We have gone from what was a $56 million per year budget to now just over $48 million with $3 million more to cut this year.

Unlike other tax dollars, the Measure EE parcel tax of merely $96 per year does not go to Sacramento.

It stays right here in the Culver City Unified School District. I do not believe I have ever voluntarily voted to increase my taxes, but I am fully supporting Measure EE. I urge Culver City voters to do the same on Nov. 3, one week from tomorrow.

Mr. Elmont may be contacted at aelmont@ca.rr.com