Home Letters Kudos to the New Turning Restrictions for Middle School

Kudos to the New Turning Restrictions for Middle School


I was very pleased to see the School District’s announcement of the new traffic flow pattern around Culver City Middle School, the Adult School, and Farragut Elementary School.

This was exactly the proposal made by the PTA Farragut Traffic and Safety Committee some 8 or so years ago. In those days, I was a member of that committee when my daughters attended Farragut and I was active in PTA activities.

I vividly remember speaking with then C.C. Traffic Engineer Max Petzold and one of his engineers in front of Farragut about the circular plan.

The Farragut PTA Traffic and Safety Committee also backed a one-way traffic zone around Coombs Park with the possibility of having Coombs Park become a dropoff for Farragut students. (A Coombs Park citizens petition previously had been circulated with 100 percent approval of the “one- way” traffic pattern. I believe I still have a copy of the petition.)

Both suggestions were advanced to try and tame the unruly, unsafe traffic conditions around the education complex corner of Elenda and Farragut Drive.

While the circular traffic pattern and one-way traffic around Coombs Park was quashed, the Farragut Traffic and Safety Committee did achieve some successes.

The Farragut Traffic and Safety Committee made contact with administration of the Julian Dixon Library regarding Farragut Elementary and Child Development student A.M. drop-off at the parking area of the library. This proposal was immediately and graciously approved by the very understanding chief Librarian. Farragut children could then be dropped off in the morning behind the Julian Dixon Library and enter Farragut Elementary School and not face any traffic.

Additionally, a handicapped curb was created at Coombs and Farragut Drive, as well as a painted pedestrian traffic crossing where none had existed before. (Amazingly, the Culver City Traffic Division also did not think it was necessary to have a painted pedestrian crosswalk at Garfield and Elenda where massive student foot traffic still exists and jaywalking in the middle of the street is common).

A four-way traffic stop sign was installed on Garfield at Coombs after Culver City did an extended traffic pattern analysis.

(Before the instillation, Mr. Petzold and I observed zooming cars race non-stop from Culver City High School to Overland, which almost obviated the need for a study — but one was done anyway.)

Additionally, the signage on the north side of Farragut Drive, in front of Farragut Elementary School, saying No Parking from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (when parents were dropping off their children and receiving tickets while walking their children to class) to 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Also a Do Not Enter stop sign (school days only) stopped alley traffic between Franklin and Farragut Drive. The safety and traffic abatement measures were achieved through the efforts of the PTA. Culver City Traffic and Street engineers aided the abatement efforts through traffic data analysis.

This new dropoff area adds a huge measure of safety and traffic benefits for CCMS, the Office of Child Development and Farragut children.

I hope parents who drive their children to school are willing to support such measures and that any kinks or quirks of the new system can be quickly solved.

It is really wonderful to see the city and CCUSD working together as they attempt to solve very serious traffic and safety issues for Elenda and Farragut Drive residents, Culver City students, and their moms and dads.

Mr. Maxwell may be contacted at roger_ _ maxwell@hotmail.com