Home Letters Kudos to Blumenfeld for Unique Plan to Preserve Neighborhood Charm

Kudos to Blumenfeld for Unique Plan to Preserve Neighborhood Charm


At Wednesday night’s meeting of the Planning Commission, Community Development Director Sol Blumenfeld hit a home run with a proposal to record and quantify the unique character of Culver City's multi-family neighborhoods.

Using readily available technology, the project will take into consideration, and record into a database, information that it will make available to potential developers before anything is written in stone.

This has the potential to change the course of our city's development for the better.

Once the proposed neighborhood surveys are conducted, including neighborhood and association input, there will finally be a set of guidelines that will clearly define what potential developers will be asked to adhere to when building in our community.

Will everyone be happy?

Probably not.

Will the unique charm and character of our neighborhoods be protected in clear quantifiable guidelines that will include hot button issues such as minimum set-backs, building massing, air-space and other criteria?

We hope so.

This is a step in the right direction, and all of the neighborhood groups, city staff and elected officials who worked tirelessly to make this project a reality should be proud.