Home Letters Kinnon vs. O’Leary Takes a Softer Turn

Kinnon vs. O’Leary Takes a Softer Turn


Re “O’Leary Protests ‘Unfair’ Critique of His Proposal

Dear Mr. O'Leary:

Thank you for your attention.

I have no personal reason whatsoever for not supporting you.

I did not intentionally take to the press to “attack” you.

My comments were based on information that appeared in the Culver City media. At this time of terrible economic conditions for so many people, I am one of many who are particularly sensitive to issues regarding value of work, taxpayers' money, and employment in general.

Your original statements were quoted as such: “I would think we should make four times as much as we do now. We are worth $500 a week,” and “Why, I pay my doorman (at Joxer Daly’s Irish Pub) $20 an hour, and I think I am worth more than my doorman.”

I originally read these statements quoted on thefrontpageonline.com, and I was struck by them. Before writing my letter a few days ago, I first wrote to the editor to confirm those comments, which he did.

If I misrepresented your comments, I apologize. The removal of additional benefits is certainly an issue.

The results are in, and I congratulate you on your winning a seat along with Mr. Weissman, Ms. Sahli-Wells and Mr. Clarke. I hope that, in these trying times, it will be a good four years for all of us.

Ms. Kinnon may be contacted at lizkinnon@gmail.com