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Is Jaffe Getting Closer?


The open session of tonight’s 7 o’clock School Board meeting doesn’t address the Superintendent position, so it is clear that a new Superintendent will not be named tonight. However, there appears to be significant progress in the School Board’s search.

There’s been a change, a subtle change, but a change nonetheless.

For months, the Board’s Closed Session agenda always has included a provision entitled “Public Employment, a) Superintendent Search.”

However, tonight’s Closed Session agenda is worded differently. No longer is the word “search” used. Instead, the Closed Session agenda is “Public Employee Appointment/Employment. Title: Superintendent.”

The search is over! Or is it?

Well-placed sources were unwilling to comment, only referring to the provision that like Vegas, what happens in Closed Session stays in Closed Session.

The art of writing agendas is a learned one. Common sense dictates that if there were still a search going on, then the agenda would still indicate “search.” It doesn’t, so it is certainly likely that the Board has chosen the next Superintendent.

Two questions remain. When will the public be informed? More importantly, who is the new Superintendent?

Smart money all along has been on Patricia Jaffe, the 40-year-plus Culver City School District teacher, principal, administrator, and now Interim Superintendent.

The Board started the Jaffe train rolling back on Feb. 9, agreeing by a vote of 3-1-1 (with Karlo Silbiger dissenting, and Patricia Siever unable to decide) to allow Ms. Jaffe to be considered for the Superintendent position. That train has picked up steam ever since, to the point it is difficult to find anyone but for the other candidates and Mr. Silbiger, who doesn’t think that Ms. Jaffe should get the job.

Here is where we need a dramatic finish.

Mr. Gaedel may be contacted at number1/8@yahoo.com