Home Letters Is Fairness a One-Way Street for Silbiger?

Is Fairness a One-Way Street for Silbiger?


Re The Vice Mayor’s denial of succeeding to  the Mayorship

I was appalled by the self-serving presentation orchestrated by Councilman Gary Silbiger, his son and their followers at last Monday night’s City Council meeting.
Mr. Silbiger, the champion of inclusion and fairness to all, apparently doesn't feel the need to be fair when he is personally involved. 

The “tradition” that they all invoked does not include a Council member being Mayor twice in four years, leaving two, rather than Mat all in his first term.
Rather than graciously stepping aside to allow one of the freshman members to become Mayor, he figuratively stomped his feet and threw a temper tantrum, aided and abetted by the obviously hand-picked speakers. 

When Mr. Silbiger was denied, he then, again figuratively, chose not to play at all and declined the nomination as Vice-Chair of the Redevelopment Agency.
As a side note, Mr. Silbiger has belabored the public notification issue for nearly eight years. 

Why, then, was I not notified that an unannounced issue was to be discussed in great length that evening? 

Why did only Mr. Silbiger's supporters hear about this?

In the interest of fairness, shouldn't those of us who might have disagreed have been allowed the opportunity to rebut this non-agendized item?

 I'm sure, with all of his connections, Mr. Silbiger has access to enough email lists to blanket the city. Again, a demonstration of selective fairness.
Ms. Gunther may be contacted at marti42790@aol.com