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Irritated by Spate of SEIU Anti-Parks Flyers, Corlin Criticizes Union’s Tactics


I am not sure about any other residents of Culver City, but I am getting a little suspect of all the political mailers I have received of late paid for by “Major Funding by Service Employees International Union.”

A quick Google search of “SEIU Corruption” garnered me pages of results.

Most of the flyers I have recycled suggest that Bernard Parks, running for the County Board of Supervisors in Tuesday’s election, is not a Democrat.

I would have thought that after making the decision to spend millions of dollars to support Mr. Parks’ opponent, the printed message would have at least been accurate.

As we know, there can be no direct contact between the campaign and the Union whose “Major Funding” has been paying for this “blizzard” of flyers.

Is it really possible that the candidate beneficiary of these false accusations has no knowledge of them?

I think not.

In my opinion there may not be enough seasoned Union officials left standing after so many have had to “step down” from their positions due to various probes and charges to make the correct decision.

I would have hoped that had the Union officials tasked with approving these mailers known that Rick Caruso –a prominent Los Angeles Republican who well may run for Mayor next spring –hosted an event for Mr. Parks’ opponent they may have thought of a better use for their members’ money.

At this point in the race, we all know that Mr. Parks is a Democrat and in a campaign for Supervisor in Los Angeles supporters come in all flavors.

I know first hand that when the economy slows down tough decisions have to be made to get the most from our scarce tax dollars.

It is not surprising that some Union officials do not favor Bernard Parks’ style. He values the role of the unions, is a tough negotiator, a stickler for details while at the same time able to be fair.

We need someone who has already managed thousands of people, not just 40 or 50. We need someone who has the ability to look out for our money. We need someone to be able to negotiate fair and equitable contracts unburdened by past union spending decisions.

Look past the big money special interest groups and you will see, as I have, who the best candidate for Supervisor really is.

I am supporting Bernard Parks for Supervisor.

Mr. Corlin, a two-term former City Councilman, previously was Mayor of Culver City.