Home Letters In Praise of Cooper, Malsin and Meghan

In Praise of Cooper, Malsin and Meghan


I am writing to express my enthusiastic and wholehearted support for Meghan Sahli-Wells for City Council in the April 13 election.

I am a 15-year Culver City resident and homeowner, and the mother of two children in Culver City schools.

My husband and I chose Culver City as our home because of its strong, vibrant schools; its safe, close-knit neighborhoods; and its culturally diverse and dedicated residents. These are our values, and, importantly, the values integral to Meghan's vision for Culver City.

We all recognize the impact that our difficult economy has had on Culver City. But while others may wring their hands, Meghan communicates a refreshing, positive perspective.

Meghan is focused and creative; she brings innovation and energy to confront thorny problems and find viable solutions.

As a City Council member, Meghan will work cooperatively and imaginatively with her fellow Council members and city staff, the School Board, community businesses and residents to improve the quality of life and learning in Culver City.

I want my kids (and my grandchildren!) to be able to walk or ride to school on safe streets. I want them to live in a city that prizes healthy neighborhoods, responsible growth and high quality education.

It is a tall order requiring resourceful, receptive, keen leadership unbowed by the complexity of the challenges before us.

Meghan Sahli-Wells is that inspired, productive, tireless leader who will deliver.

Ms. Palley Flynn may be contacted at risa@storytactics.com

A Change of Pace

From Vicki Daly Redholtz

I am strongly supporting Jeff Cooper for City Council for many reasons.

Jeff does what he says.  He also is a good listener who follows through and takes action. If there are problems, Jeff finds resolutions by seeking input from people with varying points of view.  He is able to seek solutions that have positive outcomes for all concerned. Having served with Jeff on the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission, also Friends of the Culver City Dog Park, I know he will bring extraordinary energy and passion to the Council. He is a fair and honest  person who cares deeply about this city, the people who live here and the businesses that thrive here. 

He is the right choice for City Council. Please join me and hundreds of other Culver City residents who will vote for Jeff Cooper for City Council on April 13.  

Ms. Daly Redholtz may be contacted at Vicki-dr@ca.rr.co

Too Bad I Can’t Participate

From John Cohn

I am a regular columnist for this publication.

I cannot vote in the upcoming City Council election because I am not a Culver City resident. But I believe that Culver City should count itself lucky to have two extraordinary candidates like Jeff Cooper and Scott Malsin.

I have known and worked with both of these men for years through my involvement with the Exchange Club of Culver City and a variety of other civic endeavors. I count them among my closest friends.

While Jeff and Scott are as different as peas from carrots, they share one single-minded attribute – an unfettered dedication to the betterment of Culver City.

As an outsider looking in, I believe that the unique strengths of each will complement the other, resulting in an unprecedented synergy that will benefit Culver City for years to come.

Jeff has a well-earned reputation as a garrulous maverick. He may shoot from the hip, but aims with his heart. Don’t let his affable image fool you.

Jeff is a deep thinking individual who sweats the details and never takes his eye off the big picture. Jeff is also unafraid of tough decisions, and will never back away from a brawl. In the heat of battle, Jeff is the type of guy you want in your foxhole.

Scott is the thinking-man’s Councilman. Before deciding any issue, large or small, Scott fully weighs the strategic implications of each potential outcome. Like a chess master, Scott is always planning ahead to the next move. The result is a certitude and firmness of action. But like Jeff, don’t be misled by Scott’s aura of intellectuality. His passions run deep. No where is that more evident than in his devotion to Culver City.

I have always thought that you can learn a lot about a man by the relationships he keeps and the children he raises.

Jeff and Scott are not fair-weather friends. Their friendship is not predicated on shallow reciprocity or promised recognition. Rather, both are men you can trust when your need is greatest.

Jeff’s children are a genuine reflection of his values. His two daughters are the same age and have long been inseparable from my own children. While Jeff’s girls are now young adults, each mirrors her father’s warm, caring and honest demeanor. There is no question that, like their father, they are poised to become leaders not followers.

Although Scott’s daughter is years younger, she is no less a likeness of her dad. Like Scott, you can see she is filled with a hunger to learn and unquenched curiosity for life. More telling, however, is the unreserved and obvious affection between father and daughter.

Rarely is there an opportunity in any election to vote for a candidate whose capabilities, integrity and dedication are beyond reproach – let alone two.

My only lament is that, unlike you, I can’t cast my vote for Jeff and Scott.

Mr. Cohn may be contacted at john@globewestfinancial.com