Home Letters In Further Defense of Malsin

In Further Defense of Malsin


Re “Councilman for Hire

Boy, oh, boy.

I only wish I had as much time on my hands to write like George Laase does.

But I am glad I am not filled with anger and contempt, especially against someone who earned $450 per month in pay for the hundreds of hours he put in to fulfill his job as a Council member.

In yesterday’s essay, George touted the former Councilman Scott Malsin as earning $20,000. This is absolutely untrue.

And as a Council member, Scott was entitled to the benefits that come along with the 40 cents per hour thankless job. This was a benefits package offered well before Scott was elected.

He was certainly entitled to it.

Don't get me wrong. Scott made a tactical error in his lead-up to resigning. For that he should apologize, and everyone should move on.

But this constant hate-writing by George is uncalled for. As someone who quit as chair of the Western Hemisphere Marathon because a certain commissioner was verbally abusive, I can tell you that Culver City has been and continues to be fortunate that good people are willing to step up to the plate and serve, as opposed to stepping up to the podium and criticize.

Let George run for the City Council.

I would like to see who writes what then…

Mr. Handal may be contacted at sgrest@aol.com