Home Letters In Defense of the City Manager and His Attendance Record

In Defense of the City Manager and His Attendance Record


Over the past month, there has been a constant chatter that the new City Manager needs to live in or near Culver City.

The reasoning is that the City Manager should attend many city events, civic groups meetings and almost any social occasion in the city.

The reason given is that the current City Manager is not seen as much as some activists believe he should be, using his long commute as their reason.

I find that these so-called appointed leaders of our community make attending meetings more important than the candidate’s philosophy, education and knowledge as major criteria for the position.

We need a candidate who has integrity, education, financial knowledge, leadership and the knowledge of what a city manager does as the most desirable characteristics.

I wonder if those complaining about City Manager Jerry Fulwood not attending their meetings have ever invited him to attend a meeting or social event.

Believing that government should not intrude into everyone’s life, it is the responsibility of community organizations to extend invitations to whomever they want to their own functions.

Gee! An invitation that is a novel idea!!!

Steven J. Rose,

Thinking citizen

Mr. Rose, a former Mayor of Culver City, may be contacted at ssssteve@culvercitychamber.com