Home Letters In Defense of Goldberg — What Did You Want Her to Do?

In Defense of Goldberg — What Did You Want Her to Do?


Re “Goldberg Stance Not a Sign of Bravery?

Dear Emily Rogers,

OMG!! How about commenting on the serious issues we face in our community instead of conjuring up feigned indignation over something so benign? You are actually disgusted by Nancy Goldberg’s support of the Culver City Education Foundation’s All for 1 campaign? Really?

It might interest you to know that the District has asked all candidates to publicly support the campaign. This included, but was not limited to, passing out “All for 1” literature when precinct walking and vocally supporting the campaign throughout the community.

Additionally, the presidents of both CCFT (the teachers union) and the Assn. of Classified Employees – Culver City were asked to speak to their members about actively supporting and contributing to the CCEF campaign.

So let me get this straight in my head because it absolutely boggles the mind: Nancy Goldberg is being criticized for standing up for the students of our School District??? You’ve got to be kidding!

I haven’t seen anything in print from either of the other candidates urging community support for this issue, so I guess Mrs. Goldberg is the only one so far to voice her support of our students.

The other candidates may support the Foundation’s campaign, but so far they haven’t put it out there in a press release. At their last meeting, two of the School Board members offered their annual Board member stipends of $2,700 to CCEF— Pat Siever offered hers unconditionally and Scott Zeidman said he would make good on his offer only if he were re-elected.

I’m not quite sure whether he will make a contribution to CCEF as a “regular citizen” if he is not re-elected. He didn’t clarify that.

But let’s get back to your letter.

I don’t think it took particular bravery on Mrs. Goldberg’s part to announce her support of the campaign. I’m sure she was just doing what she always does. She stands up for our students whenever she gets a chance.

And here’s a thought: Considering that Mrs. Goldberg taught in this School District for 41 years, and was a well-respected teacher and member of the Culver City community for all those years, could her announced support of the campaign possibly encourage other members of the community to make donations to the Foundation? I would think so. Yet this is something you choose to criticize?

I fail to see how the Goldberg campaign “is getting more and more like a regular politician’s slick plan.”

I think you’d need to look at someone else’s campaign to see evidence of that. I don’t think it’s Mrs. Goldberg who is changing the political landscape in Culver City at all. It is people like you who aren’t focused on the issues and look for insignificant minutia to criticize.

I didn’t think Culver City was like this, either. You’ve given me quite a wake-up call as to just how “dirty” politics in our city has become. So sad…

Ms. Hamme, President, Assn. of Classified Employees – Culver City, may be contacted at antiquer01@aol.com