Home Letters Here’s What Elevates O’Leary

Here’s What Elevates O’Leary

      He also has a strong desire to have Culver City mirror the principles upon which Harry Culver founded this town: For Culver City to create its own destiny and provide equal access for every resident to the best public education, parks and essential services.
      This is why it comes as no surprise that Mehaul does not support Measure V, Charter Reform. As framed, the dollars and cents to create and implement the additional government inherent in the measure — the City Manager and staff, simply because other cities do it —comes at the expense of using those resources to improve our schools, parks, street maintenance and public services.
      Mehaul’s ability to carefully and really listen, his sincere compassion and respect for the views and ideas of others is evident to anyone who knows Mehaul or has met him during this campaign.
      With Mehaul, you get the same attention regardless of the issue and regardless of whether your view differs from his.
      Perhaps it is because Mehaul recently and proudly became a citizen that, unlike many of us, Mehaul takes seriously the view that each citizen is equally entitled to the best government can offer.
      With Mehaul, there is only a unified Culver City. There is no room for the appearance of favoritism to Downtown, the Hayden Tract, Carlson Park or anywhere else.
      There is simply no one on our City Council who treasures, and will fight hardest to protect, the access of every Culver City resident to the best public education, parks and essential services as Mehaul will.
      Mehaul’s many endorsements from residents of all walks of life to Mayor Albert Vera, and from all areas of Culver City including my own, are a resounding testament to his passion and compassion.
On Tuesday, I hope all readers and residents of Culver City will make our city stronger and, more importantly, one of its own vision by voting for Mehaul O’Leary.

Richard C. Ochoa, Culver City