Home Letters He Objects to Cutting Off the Microphone

He Objects to Cutting Off the Microphone


Watch out when you say shut up and cut off the mike!

I was shocked on Tuesday night to hear and see School Board President Scott Zeidman acting like a bullying Chicago political machine boss at the Board meeting.

He told parent Amanda Copeland to stop talking about how the School Board approved $100,000 in lawyers’ fees to prevent getting special needs care for her autistic child.

When Ms. Copeland asserted her Constitutional right to speak out at a public School Board meeting, Mr. Zeidman ordered her mike to be cut off.

Ms. Copeland continued to talk in a civil manner. She complained how she and her daughter had been mistreated by the School Board.

Up to this point, I had never heard of Ms. Copeland or her complaint. However, after Mr. Zeidman pulled that stunt of telling her to shut up and cutting her mike, I felt a need to learn about Ms Copeland’s complaint.

There it was! Buried on page 25 of a list of purchase order warrants was a bill of $100,000 from Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost lawyers for bringing lawsuits against Ms. Copeland because she wanted to get special needs education for her autistic child.

What is happening in our system where $100,000 is being spent and wasted on lawyers fees that could have been used to help our children with special needs.

Ms. Copeland directed me to a web address www.ccusdcorruption.wordpress.com regarding her situation.

She also gave me her email address amandafcopeland@gmail.com and has asked for anyone else who has been abused by the School Board to contact her.

I intend to ask the Board why they have voted to spend $100,000 on lawyer fees instead of using the money for our special needs kids. Oh, yeah, and I will not shut up or appreciate the mike being cut off.

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the School Board, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com