Home Letters He Changed His Protest Spot and Sony Changed Its Mind

He Changed His Protest Spot and Sony Changed Its Mind


By Robert Zirgulis

[img]2949|right|||no_popup[/img]Yesterday, the second day of my protest vigil in front of Sony Studios on Overland Avenue,  I decided to change my location to the Madison entry of the studio lot.

I was able to have more contact with Sony employees traversing between the two studio lots, bisected by Madison.

Again, I received many thumbs-up signs and whispered encouragement from numerous Sony employees.

One who was afraid to give his name because he feared he would be fired for speaking out, complained that many Sony employees are embarrassed at the actions of some of their superiors in pulling “The Interview.” 

I did get negative comments from some people I would call Sony Suits. They told me that I should go protest against AMC and Regal theatre chains for not wanting to show The Interview. 

I tend to agree that those movie chains were culpable in last week’s surrender to terrorist threats.

In mid-protest, Sony employees brought me the good news that Sony now will  release “The Interview” to some independent theaters in time for screening tomorrow.  A dollar short and a day late.

I believe that Sony finally was getting the message from enraged Americans that it doesn't pay to give in to terrorists.

I plan on seeing “The Interview” on tomorrow before gathering with my family for Christmas dinner.

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com