Home Letters Hail to the Chief, Cluttering Our Skies and Our Streets Again

Hail to the Chief, Cluttering Our Skies and Our Streets Again


By Jay Handal

Another plane ride.

Another fundraising trip to pack his piggy bank for his re-election campaign.

So President Obama flies into L.A. again, causing untold economic damage to local business when streets are closed, police and traffic resources are used and unpaid for by his campaign.

Businesses suffer. Patrons cannot get close to their shopping areas.

But truly the biggest issue is that  Mr. Obama comes and raises millions for his campaign, but not a dime is given to the LAPD and in this case, the Culver City Police Dept., since the President will be at Sony Studios tomorrow afternoon.

This, at a time when the cities are hurting economically, staff is being furloughed or laid off, yet not one thin dime to reimburse this transgression and abuse of civil servants.

I understand when it is an emergency trip and national business — but not to raise money at the expense of services to the local citizens…

Mr. Handal may be contacted at sgrest@aol.com