Home Letters Guess What Pleasant, Smart Fellow I Met on a Flight to S.F.?

Guess What Pleasant, Smart Fellow I Met on a Flight to S.F.?


Often the most interesting and rewarding experiences come to us unscripted and unplanned.

For example, consider a flight I took to San Francisco back in 1995.

During the week in question, my wife had traveled to San Francisco on university business.

But, instead of returning home Friday evening, we decided I’d fly to the Bay Area, and we’d enjoy a tourist weekend there.

On Friday evening, I boarded a jam-packed flight to SFO.

Eventually, I wended my way back to the penultimate row, whose only empty seat had been assigned to me.

As I squeezed in, I took out my morning Wall Street Journal, intending to read it aloft.

I never got the chance.

My seatmate remarked he noticed that my paper had been delivered to a Culver City address.

“Do you truly reside there?” he asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

Then he introduced himself as Steve Gourley.

“The City Councilman Steve Gourley?” I enquired.

It was none other.

I quickly learned he, too, was a Culver City resident.

The next hour was spent in a fascinating one-on-one discussion of Culver City’s issues, finances and political traditions. This man had our city’s budget at his fingertips.

He also understood where the city got its revenue (about 65 percent from sales taxes rebated from Sacramento).

He spoke knowledgably about the problems of growth he anticipated. We discussed our local school system, and even got into transit concerns. He answered all my questions clearly and completely.

I recently discovered that he was a candidate to replace Jerry Fulwood as City Manager, even though he’s currently serving as a member of our School Board.

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Gourley did not make the final round of candidates.]

Keeping in mind his management experience includes a stint as Director of the California Dept. of Motor Vehicles, in my opinion, he would have made a superb City Manager.

Mr. Hoult may be contacted at