Home Letters Goodmon’s Reaction to Email from Metro: Deceptive – Still

Goodmon’s Reaction to Email from Metro: Deceptive – Still


Re “Goodmon’s Inspiring Example for Little Guys Combating Faceless Giants

[Editor’s Note: Activist reacts this morning to Metro’s attempt yesterday to calm the waters after he accused the transit agency of “a blatant falsehood.”]

Cosette Stark’s answer is suspect, to say the least.

The Metro staff has been working on this sales tax measure for months.

Do they really expect us to believe that this was an inadvertent typo?

Staff and certain Metro board members have been opposing the investment of the additional necessary funds in the Crenshaw line to make it the project it needs to be for the community and should be for the region for the next 100 years.

Now these same opposing forces want to ask South L.A. voters, and voters across the County, to tax ourselves for an additional 30 years, yielding $90 billion to Metro and they don't propose a single penny to go towards the Crenshaw Transit Corrido project?

I think voters should know that. And I can understand why the Metro staff would not want them to know, and would claim otherwise.

Also, they're keeping the very deceptive map that shows a line signifying a northern extension of the Crenshaw Line from Expo to Wilshire. If the Metro board has not committed to funding this particular project, they should not appear at all on maps to voters.

The Metro board is looking for a letter for this measure.

We suggest “D,” as in deceptive, dishonest, disingenuous.

Mr. Goodmon may be contacted at damienwg@gmail.com