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Girls Volleyball Car Wash Was Not a Wash. It Was a Clean Victory.


The Culver City Girls Volleyball Car Wash broke all records last Saturday for Car Wash fundraising.

The 40-some girls and their parents washed two dogs, one bicycle, and tons of cars, starting at 8 a.m. and continuing all day until 5 o’clock, one hour after closing time.

The community thoroughly backed the Culver City girls volleyball fundraising efforts through pre-payment of tickets and discount coupons.

The money earned will go towards volleyball scholarships, equipment, uniforms, travel expenses, and coaches stipends.

This week the Varsity girls began Ocean League play against Morningside, winning all three matches, losing none.

Also the Culver City High School Varsity Girls, with four seniors on the team, played Beverly Hills, and won all three matches.

Interestingly, straight-out donations to the Girls Teams (Varsity, Junior Varsity, Soph/Frosh) equaled the funds raised from the car wash and from sales of the snacks provided to patrons.

Mr. Maxwell may be contacted at roger__maxwell@hotmail.com