Home Letters Getting to Know Chardiet from the Inside

Getting to Know Chardiet from the Inside


I strongly support Laura Chardiet for School Board.

Laura has a sharp mind. She is upbeat, positive and diplomatic in all her dealings.

I got to know Laura when I joined the La Ballona Elementary School PTA board nine years ago. La Ballona is culturally diverse, with dozens of different languages being spoken in our students’ homes.

Laura Chardiet had a vision of everyone being included and working together for the common good. I saw it when she expanded La Ballona ’s International Dinner by introducing dances that represented the many cultures at our school.

I saw it again as she worked to recruit as diverse a PTA board as possible . As a leader, she is smart and creative. She has a lot of ideas, but she doesn’t just insist that everyone follow her. Instead, she shares ideas and seeks input so that together we can agree what would be best for our students and school.

Her work with the PTA and her professional experiences as an educator and an administrator have given her insights into programs, budgets, fundraising and much more.

I am confident that she is the best candidate for School Board in the Nov. 8 election.

Saira Sayeed may be contacted at sskbma@yahoo.com