Home Letters Four Queries for Bruno or His Human Spokesperson

Four Queries for Bruno or His Human Spokesperson


Dog bites man is not a story. Bring me a story about man biting a dog.
Now that is a story.

Or so goes the old editor’s sage advice to the cub reporter.

As I read between the lines of a story in The Lowdown last Monday morning, Bruno bites Councilman Andy Weissman, it would seem, allegedly, that Bruno had not been very attentive when journalism was being discussed at Dog Obedience School.

While the article does a fair job of covering the Who, What, Where and When elements of the story, there is so much more to learn about the Why. Perhaps there will be a follow-up story that answers such unanswered questions as:

• Was the dogs-in-parks issue a factor?

• Was the ever-so-important animal control officer issue a factor?

• Is Bruno, the boxer, a licensed Culver City resident?

• Was Bruno leashed at the time of the alleged incident?

Since dogs only talk with other dogs, it is unlikely that Bruno, alias Boxer Daly, will tell us his side of the story.

Then again, we do need more canine community input.