Home Letters Forget Traffic Tomorrow. Visit a Hometown Movie Museum

Forget Traffic Tomorrow. Visit a Hometown Movie Museum


Re “Parcel B Would Be Perfect for a Motion Picture Museum

In recent weeks I have read about local residents talking about a movie museum for Parcel B.

Outside of the obvious being a charade to slow down or stop development of this needed island in Downtown, there is an educational opportunity.

With Carmageddon tomorrow and Sunday marking the closing of the 405 Freeway for construction, there is an opportunity of visiting the Culver City Historical Society’s Archives and Resource Center (ARC) on Saturday.

Here museum activists can find out about movie history in Culver City, They may view some of the 60-plus MGM costumes, the classic movies made in Culver City and hundreds of items from Culver City’s history that are intertwined with the movie industry.

Take an opportunity to be educated on Culver City, its film history to become a more knowledgeable member of the community.

The ARC will be open tomorrow from 1 o’clock to 3.

For those members of the local Democratic Club or any other organization that wants to learn about Culver City history and the local film industry, the ARC will arrange for a special tours by emailing info@culvercityhistroicalsociety.net

The ARC is on the parking lot side of the Vets Auditorium, 4117 Overland Ave., at the corner of Culver Boulevard.

Mr. Rose, a past president of the Culver City Historical Society, may be contacted at ssssteve@culvercitychamber.com