Home Letters Five Solutions for Downtown Parking

Five Solutions for Downtown Parking


Re “Parking Changes Are on the Way

Now that Downtown has fulfilled its mission, it is critical to ensure that the area does not fail due to infrastructure issues.

If I were adjusting the Downtown parking situation, I would:

1) Increase meter rates from $1 to $2 per hour.

2) Increase enforcement to 7 days a week, 2 hours maximum, enforce until 9 p.m.

3) Pass a No Meter Feeding amendment to the parking meter ordinance.

4) At the Watseka and Cardiff parking garages, leave intact 2 free hours until 5 p.m. Then charge a flat rate of $5 per car.

5) At the Ince structure, maintain the 2 free hours for all times of the day and night.

Mr. Handal, a former Downtown business owner, may be contacted at sgrest@aol.com