Home Letters Fire Dept. Constant Staff Is a Matter of Cost Effective Logic

Fire Dept. Constant Staff Is a Matter of Cost Effective Logic


Re “$1.5 Million in Overtime Not Only Justified but Essential

[Editor’s Note: In response to Wednesday’s report that the Fire Dept. accumulated $1.5 million in overtime in the calendar year 2010, Mr. Weissman enlarges on yesterday’s comment that the policy of minimum (or constant) staffing aboard department equipment helps explain the large number.]

The reason using constant staffing is more cost effective for the city than hiring additional firefighters is because of the cost of benefits.

For example, in 2011 the cost of a safety employee’s benefits was over 55 percent of each person’s annual salary.

Constant staffing is currently more cost effective than hiring extra firefighters.

The Fire Dept. would have to hire 12 firefighters (four per shift) to serve as relief personnel for the vacancies that occur. The cost of 12 firefighters, salary and benefits, is significantly more than the department’s overtime budget.

Mr. Weissman, Mayor of Culver City, may be contacted at andrewweissman@anwlaw.com