Home Letters Fighting Back Against Criticism by Paspalis

Fighting Back Against Criticism by Paspalis


[Editor’s Note: At last night’s School Board meeting, Board member Kathy Paspalis disputed an analogy by the co-petitioner for a Culver City charter school. Here is the way Jessica Jacobs, in letter form, answered Ms. Paspalis.]

Dear Kathy,

I appreciate you listening to my speech at last night’s Board meeting, and I would like to respond to your comment that “equating special education and charter school law is a very poor and very disturbing analogy.”

Please let me know if I misheard you.

The analogy, while clear why it bothered you so, is a fair one.

California State Education Code dictates legal requirements to ensure quality education for all students in the state.

School district boards and employees must follow these laws.

I was simply making the point that it is just as inappropriate to complain about the cost to review a petition as it is to complain about having to provide special education services. I understand the District has had some serious issues regarding special education services in the last several years. Perhaps that is why it struck a chord in you.

Please know that I do understand that the issues of individual students, whether they be at-risk or special ed or English Learners or any other special population, are unique and often sensitive.

I know the program we plan to offer in Culver City is one of quality that will meet the needs of all groups listed above.

I remain optimistic about our working relationship.

Also, I am happy to communicate with you (without violating the Brown Act) should you have any questions about our petition.

Ms. Jacobs may be contacted at ispycharter@gmail.com