Home Letters Enthused for Tuesday, Wyants, Koosed and Province Explain Votes for Weissman,Malsin, Meghan

Enthused for Tuesday, Wyants, Koosed and Province Explain Votes for Weissman,Malsin, Meghan


Why Molly, Leslie and Scott Wyant are supporting Andy Weissman for the City Council:

Experience. He's been a positive force in the community for decades. We've lived here for more than 20 years, and it seems like every time we turned around, Andy was making a difference. Working to help kids go to camp as the chairman for the Culver-Palms Family YMCA, protecting our community from overdevelopment as a Planning Commissioner, attracting and retaining businesses in our community as president of the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, writing the City Charter, the re-birth of Downtown, that firm hand and even keel during the current budget crisis — his stamp is everywhere.

His ability to build consensus and cooperation among competing interests. Other candidates may be able to organize and mobilize people who already agree with each other – Andy has proven his ability to find an effective and common ground when compromise seems unreachable. He has pushed for stronger ethics rules, brought a new sense of civility to the Council meetings and fought to protect the high level of city services we all have come to expect. At the same time, he fought for protections from oil drillers and didn’t allow PXP to push the city around. He took the bold step towards the reduction of retiree medical benefits for City Council members, even though that meant slashing his own benefits. He listens to everyone, but he’s beholden only to the people of Culver City.

His long service to the city has meant that he has worked closely with state and local government, and with business officials. Those contacts will be invaluable as the city moves through its current difficult times. He's been a local businessman for more than 30 years, and he knows the local business community – their strengths, their problems, the ways they have helped make Culver City what it is today.

Simply put, Andy Weissman is the best choice for Culver City. We will be voting for Andy on Tuesday, and we encourage every Culver City resident to join us in re-electing a Councilman with vision, integrity and experience.

Molly Wyant, Leslie Spanier-Wyant and Scott Wyant may be contacted at swyant@gmail.com

After a Disagreement with Malsin, I Looked at His Entire Record. I Support Him.

From Marla Koosed

I strongly support Scott Malsin’s bid for the City Council in Tuesday’s election.

I have known Scott for over five years. He always makes himself available for discussions and listens closely to all viewpoints. Time and again I have seen him incorporate those views when crafting win-win solutions to Culver City’s challenges.

Scott is a creative problem-solver, carefully vetting ideas and doing plenty of research prior to making a final decision. He is a well-rounded individual, engaging with the city on many levels.

I have enjoyed working with the other City Council members who are running for re-election, too. While I haven’t always agreed with how they voted, I have made a point of looking at their overall records. Deciding that you only will support someone who votes your way 100 percent of the time is not a viable way forward. Working through differing views, and approaches gives us better solutions and ultimately a better city.

I did not agree with Mr. Malsin when he stepped down in December. We had several candid discussions before I decided to publicly endorse him. I took time to look at the whole individual, what he did on the Council, and before that, on the Planning Commission, and in the clubs and associations he has participated in during the last 20 years. I have seen his hard work, concern and commitment. It is a candidate’s cumulative work and real accomplishments that matter to me.

I know Scott will work tirelessly with the citizens of Culver City alongside city staff to find solutions to the challenges ahead. He will ask the tough questions and not shy away from making hard decisions. Another supporter recently wrote, “Scott is able to see the shades of gray that reflect reality and not ideology.” A rare trait, indeed.

I have heard a few folks talk about voting for one candidate although there are four vacant seats, the “strategy” ensuring that their candidate would win. It is a dangerous rationale because every one of the open Council seats is very important. Culver City deserves to vote for the four best-qualified individuals on Tuesday for City Council. That is why I will be voting for Scott Malsin plus three additional candidates whom I believe are best suited for the jobs.

Ms. Koosed, a second-term Cultural Affairs Commissioner and 21-year resident, may be contacted at mkoosed@mac.com

Five Reasons I Am in Meghan’s Corner

From James Province

Meghan Sahli-Wells is the only City Council candidate who has inspired my active support in Tuesday’s election. Why?

• She has the courage to speak the truth and stand for what's right, regardless of how popular or unpopular it might be;

• She actively seeks the input of the community when considering an issue;

• She has a history of looking for environmentally and financially sustainable solutions to problems;

• She knows how to think creatively on her feet and collaborate for the good of the community, and

• She looks out for everyone in Culver City, not just the more fortunate.

I am in Meghan's corner this election.

Mr. Province may be contacted at jprovince@yahoo.com