Home Letters Ehrlich, Spano, Hatanaka, Malsin Line up for Zeidman and/or Chardiet

Ehrlich, Spano, Hatanaka, Malsin Line up for Zeidman and/or Chardiet


Next Tuesday, Culver City voters will cast one of the most important votes of recent years. We will be electing the two people who will help prepare the future for our students.

The two candidates I feel most strongly are Laura Chardiet and Scott Zeidman.

Laura brings to the table a vast amount of experiences that make her very suited for our School Board. It has been said that she is one of the best candidates to run for our School Board in the past decade. I agree.

In addition to having been a classroom teacher, she now administers a $15 million dollar grant for adult literacy for LAUSD. She also has the abilities to seek out grants and help write grants for our District.

In these difficult financial times, this is a real asset. Having been the PTA Council President, she has interfaced with each school in our District. She has that get-up-and-go energy and the ability to think outside the box

Laura works well both as a team leader and as a member of a team. She is the mother of two children in our School District. That is so important. One can feel the pulse of the schools much more. As a former Board member, it has been my experience that parents relate better because they feel that you are in the same boat.

Over the past four years, Scott Zeidman has worked relentlessly to improve our schools. I remember well when he ran four years ago.

He was pretty green. But, over his term on the Board, Scott has totally immersed himself. He knows the issues inside and outside. He has made a difference.

We need to have Scott with his leadership skills, his knowledge of CCUSD and his incredible energy to continue to serve us. Scott also has children in our schools.

Whether you have now, have had or plan to have children in CCUSD or are a member of our community, you have a duty to put the best qualified people on our School Board. Our Schools are the backbone of our city and our nation. Please join me in supporting Laura Chardiet and Scott Zeidman for School Board — for proven, energetic leadership. Your vote for them will make a difference.

Ms. Ehrlich, a former School Board member, may be contacted at PMSHA@aol.com

A Tribute to Zeidman’s Singular Dedication

From Tony Spano and Kristine Hatanaka

When Scott Zeidman was running for his first term on the Board of Education, he took time to meet with us and our fellow creative directors of the Culver City High School Academy of Visual and Performing Arts.

It didn’t stop after he was elected. He came to each department’s event, production, and exhibition, becoming more acquainted with the accomplishments of our students.

He asked questions about our needs. He listened to us and shunned gossip and misinformation, always coming directly to us to address our concerns.

In addition, we had begged for years for help with the Robert Frost Auditorium. After our program’s 16 years of living and working in the Frost, empty promises by previous Boards have turned into a $2 million commitment from this Board.

Things are moving in the right direction, a better direction, and that’s why we support Scott Zeidman to return to the CCUSD Board.

Dr. Spano and Ms. Hatanaka, co-directors of the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, may be contacted at avpa.org

Chardiet Brings Intelligence with a Positive Attitude

From Scott Malsin

I urge all voters to join me in electing Laura Chardiet to the School Board.

I’ve known Laura for more than 15 years. I’ve always been impressed by her intelligence and her positive, constructive attitude. She’s demonstrated a tremendous level of commitment to Culver City’s children and schools through her volunteer work, including her leadership of our citywide Council PTA. Laura has always been there when our kids needed her and she has proven herself to be an effective member of a community-based team.

Laura brings a great deal to the table from her professional life. Her experience running a large and very effective grant-funded adult literacy program proves she’s got what it takes to lead. Her experience as a classroom teacher gives her an understanding of what our teachers face every day.

With two children in Culver City schools, she’s got a real stake in the future of our schools.

Experienced, intelligent, independent and dedicated: Laura Chardiet is exactly the sort of leader I look for. Culver City needs her on our School Board.

Mr. Malsin, Vice Mayor of Culver City, may be contacted at scott@themalsins.com