Home Letters Denouement from the Police Chief

Denouement from the Police Chief


By Don Pedersen

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Pedersen is Chief of the Culver City Police Dept.]

[img]1663|right|Chief Pedersen||no_popup[/img]With regard to the David James Ward shooting, I believe that it was a tragic event for all involved.  As we discussed, the Culver City Police Dept. has no record of any contact with Mr. Ward prior to the day when he entered our secured parking lot armed with a handgun. 

At that time, he approached our officers and said that he had a gun. He then produced the weapon and refused orders to drop it. He pointed the gun at the officers, at which time an Officer Involved Shooting occurred.
It is our belief, based on the evidence, that Mr. Ward was homeless and had been living in his van in the City of Los Angeles. 

When situations like this occur it is always important to have all the facts possible. 

Unfortunately, in this case, it is unlikely that we will ever know exactly what Mr. Ward was thinking when he entered the parking lot on Sept. 21. 

I believe that it is truly unfortunate that Mr. Ward’s actions caused the officers to do what they had to do. Based on my preliminary review of the incident, the officers were given no choice on that morning.

Police work is a very difficult profession where officers deal with rapidly evolving, tense and uncertain situations on a daily basis.  
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. is handling the investigation. In addition, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Rollout Team responded to the scene, which is typical protocol.

Mr. Pedersen may be contacted at don.pedersen@culvercity.org