Home Letters Dear Council: You Really Sneaked This in on Us

Dear Council: You Really Sneaked This in on Us


The City Council’s decision to hear an item at tonight’s 7 o’clock meeting on limiting public speaker cards flies in the face of what was said during the election campaign last spring.

I recall that there was a pledge to return to civility and to listen closely to residents’ concerns.

Now, less than an year later, Council members have become so removed from the people that elected them that they would consider an issue of this magnitude without first doing a public mailing and advertising the agenda item in advance.

Nope. They snuck it in last Friday, the day after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Why hasn't one Council member complained about the timing of this agenda item?

Residents can voice their opinions on the new Culver City Speaks blog, http://www.culvercityspeaks.weebly.com

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