Home Letters Clarke – Rhymes with Voting for a Man for Our Times

Clarke – Rhymes with Voting for a Man for Our Times


By Dr. Janet Hoult

Re “Cooper – A Poetess Can Make It Rhyme with Re-election”

Thanks for publishing the poem last Friday morning for Mayor Jeff Cooper’s re-election.  Since I also will be voting for Jim Clarke next week, he should have a letter and a poem as well.

We have the opportunity to vote for two incumbents in the Culver City City Council election this year.  Having watched as the current members of the Council formed an excellent team and worked so well together on our behalf, I urge our citizens to keep the current Council intact. Vote for Mr. Cooper and Mr. Clarke. 

This one is for Mr. Clarke.
Jim Clarke has shown his mettle
As a member of a great team
Our Culver City City Council
To which he adds the steam
To do right by our citizens
Following through for our community
Let’s make sure he’s reelected
And will serve again with continuity…!
Jim Clarke has the spark
Vote April 8 until it’s dark..!

Dr. Hoult, our hometown poetess, may be contacted at HOULTight@aol.com