Home Letters Champion Needs to Talk to the Community More Often

Champion Needs to Talk to the Community More Often


The process ought to include more community meetings in the area affected because this footprint for the project will affect thousands of residents of Culver City, small business owners and property owners.

The political leadership does not seem to be aware of basic democratic principles.

  1. You do not take private property and give it to private developers.
  2. City Council members ought not to refuse to talk to its citizens or business owners in the community regarding this project.
  3. City Council members ought not to fear public meetings in the communities affected by this upcoming redevelopment project.

Here is my letter to Mr. Susca:

From: Harold Hyman [mailto:kidspal@adelphia.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:45 AM
To: Susca, Joe
Subject: Sepulveda Redevelopment Project

Joe. I noted on the Culver City Web Site that the Redevelopment Agency is taking applications for an advisory watchdog panel for the Sepulveda Redevelopment Project.

Does this mean that the Redevelopment Agency has approved a Bob Champion proposal for the development of the west side of Sepulveda? Isn’t Champion supposed to go back and have further meetings in the community to see if the project is worthy, feasible and realistic.

I thought that property owners, small business owners and residents were going to be more active in this process thnn input into one meeting.


Harold Hyman

Here is Mr. Susca’s response:

From: "Susca, Joe"
Date: January 18, 2007 11:38:55 AM PST
To: "Harold Hyman"

Harold, Champion has not yet proposed an official project for the site and is currently creating 1) conceptual plans, 2) a construction phasing plan, and 3) a financial analysis of their proposed project to determine if a redevelopment project is indeed feasible.

Upon conclusion of those tasks (due the end of March), the Citizens Advisory Committee that is now being formed will be asked to comment upon them and provide staff and the Agency Board direction on their modification prior to being presented to the entire Agency Board and community as a whole.

When presented to the entire Agency Board, following a duly noticed public meeting (I anticipate having about May), the Agency Board will be asked to vote on whether or not to proceed with the proposed project at that time.

The goal in forming the Sepulveda Citizens Advisory Committee is to recruit (9) volunteers from a cross-section of the community to provide feedback and input about the project.

Also, to let the developer, staff and the Agency Board know if they believe any proposal is worthy, feasible and realistic during every step of the project’s progress and to propose modifications to it.

You will notice that the Citizens Advisory Committee is representative of the entire community, though a majority of its seats are comprised of businesses/property owners and immediately adjacent residents to the proposed project.

I encourage you to submit an application to become a member of the Sepulveda Redevelopment Citizens Advisory Committee.


Joe Susca

Redevelopment Project Manager
Culver City Redevelopment Agency