Home Letters Backers Hope to Hold Fracking Symposium in Council Chambers on Aug. 4

Backers Hope to Hold Fracking Symposium in Council Chambers on Aug. 4


To the City Council:

At the July 2, City Council meeting, there was a discussion of fracking.

Several Councilpersons said they had inadequate information or they had specific questions for (the oil drilling company) PXP and for those opposing or restricting fracking before voting on new a new fracking ordinance.

I have spoken to two School Board members who are supportive of this effort. (A position on fracking may be voted on at Tuesday’s Board meeting.)

Several homeowners’ associations are concerned. They want more information and opportunities to be heard.

Therefore, we are proposing to create a symposium in Council Chambers on Saturday, Aug. 4, from approximately 9:30 to 12:30, so the City Council, relevant staff and the residents can hear the questions and answers.

We would like to have it televised and recorded so that anyone who could not make it to the symposium could watch in real time or later watch and learn.

We intend to have up to four panelists from PXP, not their trade association, and four panelists from those wishing to restrict fracking for safety.

The questions that the Council mentioned on July 2 would be covered.

All interested parties would have the questions 10 days before the symposium. After the initial questions have been answered, the City Council would have the first opportunity to ask follow-up questions. Then Culver City residents would be called upon.

We have spoken to the League of Women Voters, who will help in time-keeping and other matters so the process is fair and open. We also spoke to Transition Culver City and the Sierra Club, Los Angeles Westside, who have agreed to co-sponsor the event.

We are asking the City Council to co-sponsor this event, sponsorship being defined as the use of Council Chambers and televising/recording the event. This way, everyone can receive first-hand information and make up their own minds.

Obviously, time is of the essence. Thank you for your consideration.

[Editor’s Note: The Council agreed to weigh the request at Monday’s meeting.]

Mr. Camarella may be contacted at Tom4CulverCity@aol.com