Home Letters Armenta ‘Infuriates’ Voter with ‘Misleading’ Campaign Circular

Armenta ‘Infuriates’ Voter with ‘Misleading’ Campaign Circular


I have just received the Christopher Armenta’s latest City Council campaign mailer. Mr. Armenta’s mailed circular is as disingenuous as it is misleading.

Mr. Armenta’s circular is covered with pictures of our Culver City schools, and the tagline reads: “Will make youth and education a priority.”

It is infuriating to see Mr. Armenta hold himself out as a genuine stakeholder in local education when his own only child attends a private school instead of one of our great Culver City schools.

Mr. Armenta’s circular also states: “Culver City’s youth are too important to cut $3.7 million from our schools.”

We are all disturbed by this growing budgetary crisis.

But I have a hard time understanding how Mr. Armenta can make this troubling issue a central part of his election platform. As the City Clerk, Mr. Armenta should know that it is the elected School Board and not City Council that must wrestle with this dilemma.

Either Mr. Armenta is sorely misinformed about the separate mandates governing these two elected bodies or he is simply trying to sensationalize a problem in order to garner votes.

Shame on you Mr. Armenta!