Home Letters Answering a Critic of Cooper’s Accomplishments

Answering a Critic of Cooper’s Accomplishments


Re: Letters, “She  Scores Cooper for Bad Judgment and  Taking Too  Much  Credit,” March 24.

Let's set the record straight.

As a former member of the Board of Directors for the Friends of the Culver City Dog Park, I can attest to City Council candidate Jeff Cooper's integral involvement in the development of the city's first off-leash dog park.

Jeff served on the Board for a few years, and he was one of the original community organizers of the Friends.

He also played a critical role as a member of the Parks and Community Services Commission.

I know for a fact that without Jeff and the myriad of other committed individuals, the Dog Park would not have become a reality. Jeff Cooper was and continues to be a leader on issues involving the dog park.
