Home Letters Another Side of the Time-Sharing Controversy at the Plunge

Another Side of the Time-Sharing Controversy at the Plunge


Re “Manager Handing Over Pool to Team Santa Monica at Expense of Culver City Swimmers

This is in response to a letter last week regarding Team Santa Monica swimmers and the usage of the Plunge.

I am a 15-year resident and homeowner in Culver City. My 2 children attend Farragut Elementary and my husband is extremely involved at the school. We also believe in community first and support our local retailers and restaurants as much as possible.

After spending every summer learning to swim at the Plunge, my son was ready to take on a swim team. As good parents, we did our due diligence and spoke with our neighbors and Culver City school teachers as well as current and former swim team members from various groups. TSM was the right fit for us.

My son is in his second year of swimming with TSM. He is not an elite swimmer, as a recent article in your paper reported.

He walks a half block from our home to our local pool, the Plunge, 3 days a week. Again, he is a Culver City resident and is not being denied usage of the Plunge, as a recent article suggested.

We are thrilled that Culver City offers a variety of swim team choices. My 10-year-old knows that he is a proud Culver City resident who swims for a team that happens to be named Team Santa Monica.

I am unclear why ANY swim coach would want to take that away from him or any child who chooses to swim on a team at the Plunge.

Ms. Sparling may be contacted at oneeyedkitty@mac.com