Home Letters An Injured Man Screams, Waits and Waits – but Not in Culver...

An Injured Man Screams, Waits and Waits – but Not in Culver City


On Tuesday, Nov. 6, the voting residents of Culver City will have many choices at our voting booths – nationally, statewide and locally.

One vote that will affect each one of us in Culver City is the vote to enact Measure Y – the tiny half-penny sales tax increase that will have a huge impact on our city. It will be paid for primarily by non-Culver City residents who visit or work in our city.

Like you, I am used to living in a clean, safe and caring city. Like you, I do not want to see every aspect of my life change and deteriorate. Recently I was in a nearby town when a visitor standing close to me sustained a serious injury.

Almost 16 minutes passed before the paramedics from that city arrived. My colleagues and I watched helplessly as the injured man screamed in pain and desperation.

Had the accident occurred in Culver City, I am confident that our paramedics would have arrived at the scene and begun treating and transporting the injured man within a few minutes.

Measure Y is about maintaining public safety, public health and quality of life for everyone in Culver City. It is such a small price to pay to preserve our safety services, emergency response times, programs for children, seniors, adults and pets, street repairs, parks and cultural events.

Your vote for Measure Y on Nov. 6 will guarantee you a future Culver City that is as great as the city we now enjoy.

Ms. Weinrauch may be contacted at weinagua@msn.com