Home Letters An Argument Against Printing Seehusen’s Views

An Argument Against Printing Seehusen’s Views


Re “Homophobic Bigotry Is Not Worthy of Promotion

I respect everyone's right to freedom of speech, and I appreciate that you disagree with “certain of her views, regarding sexual preference but not the military.”

If you noticed, I did not mention Ms. Seehusen’s views of JNROTC, because I believe that is a fine program.

I happened to have been working at the high school when it was in place. I, among others, was sorry to see the program discontinued. My husband proudly served in the military, as did Ms. Seehusen's.

I have no doubt that Ms. Seehusen would disagree with my criticism of her…most individuals who are as deeply intolerant of others as Ms. Seehusen apparently is, don't like criticism.

But, since she has made no bones about advertising her prejudice in public forums, with which of my comments could she take exception?

And, of course, you are right. You are the referee and the choice is yours as to what you choose to print in your publication. But, hate is an emotion — not an opinion — and perhaps doesn't merit publication.

Ms. Hamme may be contacted at antiquer01@aol.com