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Abrams or Elmont: Who Was Right?


During the recent School Board Candidates Forum at Raintree, a question was asked about Ladera Heights situation.

All of the candidates were asked to answer.

My response was that I had investigated the situation and that it was voided by the courts. The number of students involved, approximately 500-600, roughly the same amount of outside permit students, but it would have produced a tax base increase.

Mr. Alan Elmont followed me.

With that “gotcha” smirk, he proceeded to insist that there would not have been any tax base increase (of course insinuating that I was misinformed).

That was the first time this night.


From this newspaper on Feb. 3, 2006:

“The Committee concluded that by adding Ladera Heights’ almost 6,000 registered voters to the Culver City School District’s voting rolls, a twenty-five percent influx of new voters would have an effect on electing future School Boards for the District. And why not? If they came into the School District, shouldn't they have a say in how the almost billion dollars ($975m) they are adding (eighteen percent) to the School District tax base is spent?”

Dear Mr. Alan Elmont:

I know you are the King of District Trivia.

But this article has been on thefrontpageonline.com for over three years. I am placing my money on this version. If you still disagree, then give your version again with supporting evidence (legalese for proof).

Silence is not golden this time.

A second time was when the topic of the Culver City Youth Health Center needed funding, and three or four of the candidates knew the director by name.

When it was my turn to address the Health Center funding situation, Mr. Elmont asked me a question about knowing the director just before I was about to answer.

I responded by saying, no, I do not know the director, but I will tomorrow.

I proceeded to say that if it was that important, maybe some of that Measure EE, parcel tax money can be used for it since it seems to be the cure-all solution.

I also said that maybe the Health Center could get some more exposure in the community.

I visited the Center one day later than promised. Reliable sources had already told me that it was a large provider for birth control and mental health issues.

It also did other services like student physicals.

Like any other family practice, it is nonprofit. No one is charged for service.

They will accept donations. Two paid staff doctors and one volunteer doctor who has been there since its inception 7 years ago.

Now I realize why I wasn’t aware of it. I have two boys.

Every body needs money.

Mr. Abrams, a candidate for the School Board in the Nov. 3 election, may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com