Home Letters A Warning That a Pay Cut May be Coming

A Warning That a Pay Cut May be Coming


[Editor’s Note: Declaring that “This is no time for surprises,” School District Supt. Dr. Myrna Rivera Cote sent the following notice to all District employees, in anticipation of tonight’s special 7 o’clock School Board meeting at District Headquarters, Irving Place. State law requires the Board to notify employees before July 1 of its intention to cut salaries next school year. This item is on tonight’s agenda.]

June 11, 2009

Dear Fellow Employees,

Unfortunately, because of the fiscal uncertainty caused by the state budget crisis, I plan to submit to our Board of Education a Resolution that would reserve the right of our Board to reduce employee compensation for 2009-10. The Resolution will not, in and of itself, result in a pay reduction, but our Board is legally required to adopt such a Resolution this fiscal year if it wants to allow for the possibility of reduced compensation next fiscal year. The Resolution will be presented at the Special Board Meeting on June 15, 2009, and could affect both represented and non-represented employees.

For represented employees, any reduction in compensation would remain contingent upon negotiations. If the Board approves the Resolution, all employees would soon receive a more formal notice about this matter by U.S. Mail, as required by law.

Neither this email, nor the formal mailed letter, should be seen as an attempt by our School dDstrict to negotiate compensation. For all of us, possible future budget reductions also remain contingent upon the level of funding that public schools will receive from the state, and that information may not be available for quite some time.

A copy of the Board Resolution on compensation will be posted at www.ccusd.org by the end of the work day this Friday, June 12, as part of the posting of the Special Board agenda packet. To view the agenda and Resolution, please follow these directions:

1. Click on “School Board” in the index to the right,
2. Click on the “Meeting Agendas and Minutes” link on the right;
3. Click on the “Current 2008-2009” folder on the left;
4. Click the “Agenda” folder;
5. Click on the June 15th agenda.

Meanwhile, out of respect for the great job that you do, I wanted to keep you informed in advance of this action being taken.



Dr. Coté may be contacted at RIVERACOTEM@district.ccusd.k12.ca.us