Home Letters A Tip for Sandra Fluke

A Tip for Sandra Fluke


Sandra Fluke, a 30-year-old Georgetown University law student, testified last week before a Congressional committee in support of President Obama’s decision to mandate birth control in health insurance plans.

She stated that the $3,000 per year she spends on birth control would prevent many women from having access to birth control.

She received a much deserved apology from Rush Limbaugh for his insensitive (and, in my opinion, very stupid), remarks, calling her a “slut.”

I would like to offer her the opportunity of decreasing her birth control costs by 95 percent.

I called my local Walgreen’s Pharmacy today and was told that she could get birth control pills from them for as little as $164 per year – $36 for a three-month supply, plus a $20 annual fee for a discount card (“W Card”).

Steven Noven, M.D., may be contacted at stevenovom@yahoo.com