Home Letters A Shame That Unions Won’t Budge

A Shame That Unions Won’t Budge


Re “Meet Two of a Kind

I find it very interesting that in the end, the union reps would rather force the cities to head toward bankruptcy rather than realize that the Big Three — pensions, healthcare and salaries — are out of whack in today's fiscal environment, and to work closely with the various cities to have a true structural fix.

That would ensure the long-term viability of the cities.

Having chaired this year’s Los Angeles City Budget Advocates Committee, we have dug deep into the real issues in Los Angeles and made the tough recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council.

Our report can be viewed at www.budgetadvocatesla.com

Telling a city manager to go back to Kansas because he is fulfilling his responsibilities to all Culver City citizens is just plain shortsighted.

Mr. Handal may be contacted at sgrest@aol.com