Home Letters A Salty Message for Zirgulis from a Chardiet Supporter

A Salty Message for Zirgulis from a Chardiet Supporter


Re “Getting to Know an Educator

Re “Chardiet Stance on Board Fines Scored by Zirgulis

School Board candidate Laura Chardiet has been a tireless champion for Culver City Unified School District students for many years.

School Board candidate Robert Zirgulis chooses to spend his time out of the country while the largest threat to public education, funding in California, is being played out in the Legislature.

Come back to Culver City, Mr. Zirgulis.

It appears Mrs. Chardiet recognizes when two adults act as if they are children.

Please stay in Europe, Mr. Zirgulis, and defend our country's First Amendment while serious residents of Culver City, like Laura Chardiet, work to provide a better education to our children.

Ms. Lozford may be contacted at najnoskcja@gmail.com