Home Letters A Reminder from Chardiet

A Reminder from Chardiet


Hi, Everyone,

I hope to see you at my fundraiser at Joxer Daly's, 11168 Washington Blvd., Saturday evening from 7 to 11.

The cost is $25, and that will get you discounted drinks, dessert, free babysitting and some live music by the southern rock band Scotty Boy McCoy.

I'll be singing the Culver City version of Proud Mary.

S o it should be fun, fun, fun!

Alan Corlin has donated two prime location Kings’ tickets for a live auction and Kathy Paspalis has donated a family four-pak to the Sparks’ game.

Come prepared to bid!

Finally, we are also encouraging folks to bring a jar of peanut butter or any other canned goods to help stock food banks which are running low.

Thanks! Laura

[Editor’s Note: Heather Moses sends along a note that you can obtain free babysitting by calling 310.779.4912 or emailing her at hemoses@msn.com]

Ms. Chardiet, a candidate for the School Board, may be contacted at Laura4culvercitykids.com