Home Letters A Message for the New Super: Help the Traffic Around the Quad-Campus

A Message for the New Super: Help the Traffic Around the Quad-Campus


I have been reading your stories about the Culver Park High School situation with great concern.

I wanted to add another prospective to the issue:


What would I like incoming CCUSD Supt. Dave LaRose to know about the CCUSD Quad-campus?

You all should know the story by now. I have been on my soap-box often enough, thank you very much Culver City media outlets.

Two school children have been in pedestrian accidents with vehicles on my street, and at least two more pedestrian accidents have occurred within a short walk of my home. The one on Overland Avenue had detoured traffic coming through the residential neighborhood during the police followup.

On my street, resident vehicles have been sideswiped by hit-and-run drivers. I’ve woken up to the collateral damage of an overturned vehicle. I have watched first-responders pull up to handle a sexual assault yards from my front door – two minors later were arrested.

Traffic on our street, a major access route to the Quad-campus, has little to do with its residents. The vast majority is pass-through traffic avoiding congestion on other streets, and people on their way to the CCUSD Quad-campus. They ignore the stop signs, rushing through the neighborhood on their cell phones, even reading stuff in their laps. The business intrusion parking is non-stop, despite the neighborhood having “permit parking only” since 1982.

Some of my neighbors might tell you that the burglaries stopped when random vehicles were not parked on the street at all hours of the day and night. To this confusion CCUSD apparently is going to add the student population of Culver Park High School, displaced by space requirements at El Marino Language School. I say “apparent” because the last superintendent informed me that decisions had not been made when I voiced my continued concerns about the traffic issues at the Quad-campus. I was told that I would be kept informed of the process. I suppose I was – by reading the local media.

I know there are parking issues on the Quad-campus because I see CCUSD Employee Parking Permits displayed on vehicles parked throughout the residential neighborhood year around. What is going to happen when the solar array construction begins in the Quad-campus parking lots?

What is going to happen with the apparent done deal of adding the Culver Park High School students to the Quad-campus?

Supt. LaRose, what is CCUSD going to do about the traffic and parking problems around its schools in Culver City?

As a child, I attended Woodbrook Middle School while my father was stationed at McChord Air Force Base in Washington state. As I recall, traffic was safe enough there for me to be on the Safety Patrol and to act as a crossing guard… that is not the situation here.

Welcome, Mr. LaRose, to Culver City and to California

Mr. Heyl may be contacted at john_heyl@sbcglobal.net