Home Letters A Devious Message from the City’s Engineering Division?

A Devious Message from the City’s Engineering Division?


By Lee Norris

I received an envelope from the City of Culver City Engineering Division over the weekend.  Upon first glance, it appeared to be merely a piece of junk mail.  Upon further examination, not something to which everyone is likely to subject this piece of innocuous mail, I discovered it was a notice the city intends to increase both the refuse and sewer tax rates. I immediately wondered if such a thing could be done unilaterally by the city.

But I soon discovered this piece of ordinary-looking mail actually is a call for a vote.

This letter contains a small section describing the process for protesting these tax increases. That section, though, is not designed in a way to effectively draw attention to its content and the notice’s true meaning – that being this is a call for a vote on a very important issue.

I believe the city’s Engineering Department intentionally has engaged this process in such a way to make sure no one really looks closely at what is happening.  This is being done to ensure these tax increases will be implemented without any real controversy, discussion or a chance the citizens will reject the city’s proposal.

I call upon the City Council to stop this process. The Council should have the city’s staff conduct the vote on this issue in a way that will ensure that everyone with a stake in paying these taxes is fully aware of the city’s intentions and has a chance for their voice to be heard.

Lee Norris may be contacted at lonorris@ca.rr.com