Home Letters A Critic Addresses Teachers Union

A Critic Addresses Teachers Union


[Editor’s Essay:The following letter, by a regular observer of School District activities, was submitted with a request that the name be withheld.]

The Teachers Union has officially posted its initial collective bargaining proposal, which will be presented tonight at a public hearing during the 7o’clock School Board meeting.

I will refrain from comments about their proposal.

Of note, according to the Board’s First Interim Budget, (page 3), “The District is deficit spending in 2011-12 approximately $3,100,000.00 annually.”

The Teachers Union is seeking, inter alia, the following:

• 20 percent increase in pay for any elementary teacher teaching a combination class (i.e., fourth and fifth grades together);

• Increase in dental coverage;

• $1,000/teacher increase (to $4,000) in “cash in lieu” of medical insurance;

• School District to pay half of any medical insurance premium increases, over and above the maximum allowable (which is in excess of $8,000.00/annually);

• New steps added that will allow teachers to increase their salary without calling it a raise;

They have not asked for limousine service to and from school; express free dry cleaning service; or country club membership, yet.

That may be due to the fact that they hadn’t yet considered that.