Home Letters A Community Staggered by Zeidman’s Loss

A Community Staggered by Zeidman’s Loss


Many Culver City residents were shocked and disappointed last night and this morning when they learned the most popular, most visible member of the School Board, President Scott Zeidman, had failed in his re-election bid, by 28 votes, according to the unofficial results.

A sampling of the responses Mr. Zeidman received:

I Know Your True Value


I cannot tell you how disappointed I was with the election results. Outside your immediate family, I think I may be the only person to know how really valuable your contributions have been to the Board and the District.

I am glad to have stepped down, but with your loss, I am much afraid for the future of the District. You set the tone, the pace and the attitude for that Board and for our District.

While I love Kathy, this District needs as many lawyers as it can on the Board; with us leaving, the job of being the only legal, rational member of the Board on legal issues falls to Kathy.

I know that even though I am out of office, I will miss you on the Board; my wife will miss you on the Board; and the city will soon realize that THEY miss you on the board.

The good news is that you can now enjoy your life and your family more. I know that is what I intend to do. From our conversation last night, I know you intend to do so, too.

Please accept my sadness over your loss and elation over your new found liberty.

P.S.: If you ever run for Council, let me be your campaign manager. Or at least give me an interview for the job.

Admired and Appreciated


Although it looks like you did not win a second term, I want you to know how much I appreciate and admire what you accomplished on the School Board. And it’s not just me, that’s for sure. The overwhelming majority of well-informed people I know feel that way, too.

You ran an excellent campaign, you’ve done a great job, I am proud to support you, and proud to call you my friend.

See you soon,

For the Children, Thank You

I’m sorry the voters weren’t better informed; sorry so few turned out; and sorry we will lose you from the Board this round.

Thanks for all you did for the children in the District and for your tremendous public service these past four years!

There is life after elected office…enjoy it! ☺

Idiots and Self-Awareness

I hope all of the idiots who didn’t bother to vote for you realize what a fantastic asset you have been to our schools and our community. I really mean that. You have done more in the last four years to advance the needs of our kids than anyone else in this city, and for that we are profoundly grateful.

I just can’t see anyone one else on the Board taking a leadership role as you. I hope to hell we are not back to stagnation.

All the best.


I Told People About You

Hi, Scott,

Today Culver City loses. I was so sorry to hear about last night's results. I made a point to tell everyone I knew to vote for you. I voted at 7:15’ish at City Hall. No one was there. The overall turnout must have been really low. My girlfriend was going to mail her ballot but didn't. I made sure she took it to the library (her polling place) So, so sorry to hear, Scott. You were indeed the finest, most dedicated School Board member Culver City had ever seen.

We Are Terribly Sorry

Dear Scott,

Thank you so much for running for re-election to the School Board, which demonstrated your dedication to the students of our city and School District.

I already knew how much you had done for students and education. That you were clearly ready to serve again was wonderful. Running as an incumbent has its pros and cons. This turned out to be a very different race than anyone imagined.

All of us who supported your re-election knew that you would continue to work hard for the benefit of our students, coping with an increasingly unpleasant financial situation. And so we are terribly sorry that you will not be serving another term. But we also know that you won’t fail to continue to work hard for our students—things like Measure EE, the parcel tax, which you spearheaded so wonderfully, are not dependent upon being a School Board member — as the good person and activist that you are.

I know that Aileen and the boys will be glad for more of your time. But we supporters are sorry not to have you in office.

We Have Suffered a True Loss

I am devastated!!! You have been the only Board member in my many years at CCHS whom I have known to get involved in the schools, be constantly present at the school and help with fundraisers for the District and school.

We have suffered a true loss! I am worried about the future of our schools…

Thanks for all you have done!

Thanks for Your Service

you are a tremendous asset to Culver City, and we are very disappointed you came in third.

It was such a close election.

Thank you for your wonderful service. We know you will find a way to continue contributing to our schools and community.

Sorry We Missed Out

Good morning, Scott.

I'm sending every positive thought your way for a positive outcome to last night's election.

[My husband’s mom] had a very bad day yesterday, so we were just not up to coming to your celebration.

Be well.

Hoping for good news today!

Disappointed and Curious

Hi, Scott,

It was very disappointing to learn that you were not re-elected last night. Just in principle, I don't believe it is a good thing for our kids to have too many teachers on the Board.

I am just curious. Is there a way to access the records of the campaigns and how they are funded?

Analyzing the Numbers

Scott, our family will miss your presence on the School Board and all of your hard work for our students of CCUSD as well as your constant presence at all of CCUSD’s school functions.

Second, parents, look at the pertinent numbers. See anything that sticks out?

Perhaps it's the 24,600 registered voters and the potential turnout of only 3,500 (my guesstimate) voters for this important election? Where do I get my disappointment from? Let's look at the numbers in MY head (okay, totally IMHO): There are 6,700 students in the District. Twenty-two percent (+/-) are on permit, which means there are approximately 5,200 students who live in-district. Another estimate (mine only) of 1.5 parents per kid means that there should be close to 8,000 voting parents in our District. My humble conclusion? “You” didn't vote.

Note that half of the ballots were mailed in! Yay! Perhaps we can work on getting voting numbers up for the future utilizing mail-ins. Here it is: If we teach our children that voting is one of the most precious democratic rights of our United States, how come the collective “we” are not taking advantage of it of being able to vote?

IMHO. You can complain to me offline and call me a stinker, but that's how I see it.

She Did?

I can't believe that Nancy Goldberg has won. I felt her lack of concern last year during AP English was enough for me. Why people can't see through this….oh, well. They will soon figure it out.

The Lord must have something planned for you to do in 2012 with all your talents!!!! Culver City will be missing out!! Always a supporter!!

Best regards.

We Are Grateful for Your Passion


My husband and I completely echo the sentiments of those who are disappointed in the outcome. We are so grateful for all of your passion and hard work for all of our kids. Thank you for bearing with our pleas for help, and… for actually helping! Yours will be a tough seat to fill.

We Were Lucky to Have You

Scott — I was very disappointed to see you came in third. You have provided excellent leadership to the Board. You ran a good campaign.

I hope this doesn't turn you off from electoral politics. You have many supporters in the city (we just needed another 30-plus to vote yesterday).

On behalf of many parents, thanks for your hard work during the past four years. Our District is much better off for your leadership and decision-making.