Home Letters A Claim That Truth Is Elusive in Culver City

A Claim That Truth Is Elusive in Culver City


Re “Hang ‘em, Try ‘em, in That Order

The sentiments expressed in the “Hang’em, Try ‘em – in That Order” headline have been my experience in Culver City the past 33 years.

Mayor Andy Weissman’s voting record has been 99 percent in favor of city management’s position, regardless of the truth.

I have no knowledge of what has occurred with the former commission appointee Dee Seehusen except what I have read in this newspaper.

I have personally witnessed Mr. Weissman and all of the City Council members, present and past, remain silent while members of the community are subjected to fabricated charges.

I have witnessed city management present manufactured evidence, false staff reports and false sworn testimony in order to destroy someone or benefit themselves financially.

Mr. Weissman and other Council member remain silent even when they know what the truth is.

If someone attempts to disclose the truth in a public forum, the City Attorney will advise the Council that it is a personnel matter or say that by law the Council cannot hear this information in public.

Anytime someone in the community observes the City Council remaining silent on an issue before them and vote in unison on that issue, you can rest assured that they already know the truth. They have just chosen to ignore the truth

Mr. Smith, a retired police officer, may be contacted at scsinternationalinvestigations.com