Home Letters 24-Hour Relay for Life Returns in May

24-Hour Relay for Life Returns in May


I am the volunteer Event Chair for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Culver City, which will take place on the track/football field at Culver City High School, on Saturday, May 19, and Sunday, May 20.

I am a lifetime resident of Culver City, and I am celebrating my 10-year survivorship milestone from cancer this year. I am passionate about what Relay For Life can do in our war against cancer.

I am hoping you will publish an article in your paper about our Relay to help spread the word to our community about our commitment in the fight against cancer. Hopefully, this will get community members involved in the event.

I have put together a brief explanation of Relay and hope you would be interested in having someone review it and write their own piece for your newspaper:

How would you like to help change the world in one day and honor the lives of cancer survivors, caregivers and remember loved ones lost to cancer?

By participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life of Culver City you can affect everyone touched by cancer.

Relay For Life is a 24- hour community event where people form teams, collect donations, and then take turns walking or running around the track for 24 hours. The idea is that since cancer never sleeps, neither will we for 24 hours.

Relay For Life is the largest fundraising movement in the world, the signature fundraiser of the American Cancer Society. Last year it took place in over 5,000 communities in the nation and 21 countries across the globe. It is truly an experience you'll never forget.

Teams set up campsites on the football field. When you are not actually walking, you can relax at your campsite, visit with friends, enjoy music, live bands and other entertainment, knowing that you are making a difference in the fight against cancer.

As one cancer survivor stated, “Relay For Life turned the negative cancer experience into a positive one by participating in an event that allows me to make a difference in my fight against this disease”

Highlights of the Relay include the Survivors’ Lap at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 19, to start the event. Later, at 9 in the evening, there is the emotional Luminaria ceremony. Decorated bags, honoring cancer survivors and remembering those who have lost their lives to cancer, line the perimeter of the track and are illuminated with candles.

A bagpipe player leads a lap of remembrance around the track in memory of family and friends no longer here. The candles burn from 9 p.m. Saturday until the sun comes up Sunday morning. Later in the evening there is “movie and pizza night.”

On Sunday morning, the Fire Dept. provides a free pancake breakfast.

Last year the Relay For Life of Culver City raised over $77,000. This year they have set the ambitious goal of raising $100,000.

Join the fight against cancer by volunteering, forming a team, and fundraising. Visit the website at relayforlife.org/culvercityca or contact me at culvercityrelayforlife@gmail.com.