Home Letters 19 Culver City Leaders Line up Behind Ridley-Thomas for Supervisor

19 Culver City Leaders Line up Behind Ridley-Thomas for Supervisor


On Nov. 4, Culver City voters have the opportunity to play a significant role in electing our new representative to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Culver City’s leaders, including all five members of the City Council, strongly support state Sen. Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas (D-Culver City).

Sen. Ridley-Thomas has the experience that we need to meet and guide the challenges facing our community. For more than 30 years, he has served as a community activist, civic leader and an elected member of the Los Angeles City Council, state Assembly, and state Senate. As an 11-year City Councilman, Sen. Ridley-Thomas understands the challenges that local communities face.

He has worked diligently on increasing local control over important civic issues and empowering communities and their leaders to make important decisions. He has represented Culver City in the state Senate and has shown a keen understanding of our community’s issues. He knows how to work with us to do what’s best for our residents and business community.

Sen. Ridley-Thomas also has a long history of leading on those issues that directly impact the quality of life of our community. He has worked energetically to make oil drilling by PXP safer, secured $100 million in federal funding for hospitals in our neighborhoods, wrote the bill to create school-based health clinics like the Culver City Youth Health Center, and worked to find $1 billion to improve public transportation and infrastructure.

Sen. Ridley-Thomas has delivered for our community.

Now it is time for us to put him to work representing Culver City on the Board of Supervisors. The 19 of us represent business, labor, education, historical preservation, and neighborhood activism groups. We range in political ideology and party. However, we all strongly believe that with Sen. Ridley -Thomas on the Board of Supervisors, our community will continue to see the improvement and success that we have seen with his leadership in Sacramento.

Please join us in voting for Mark Ridley -Thomas for County Supervisor on Tuesday, Nov. 4.


City Council

Scott Malsin

Gary Silbiger

Christopher Armenta

Micheal O’Leary

Andy Weissman

Former Mayors

David Hauptman

Ed Wolkowitz

Culver City School Board

Jessica Beagles-Roos

Saundra Davis

Steven Gourley

Scott Zeidman

School Board Members (Ret.)

Julie Lugo Cerra

Barbara Honig

Marla Wolkowitz

Steven J. Rose, President/CEO

for the Culver City Chamber of Commerce

Tom Camarella, Past President

Culver City Democratic Club

Mary Ann Greene

Baldwin Hills Conservancy

Ronnie Jayne

Cultural Affairs Commission

Deborah Weinrauch

Community Activist