Home OP-ED Killing Gays Will Not Achieve the Desired Solution

Killing Gays Will Not Achieve the Desired Solution


A gay man traveling in any Moslem nation immediately discovers how widespread and readily available gay sex is.

In their homoerotic milieu where rigid segregation of the sexes is the norm, women wear veils. All brides are still expected to be virgins on their wedding night. Sex-hungry young Muslims easily can rationalize that indulging in gay sex is merely practicing for marriage.

Koran’s  Vague Conclusion

But what does the Koran say about homosexuality?  Several passages in the Koran condemn gay sex.  But unlike the Bible's explicit mandate of death for same- sex encounters, those Koranic proscriptions do not dictate any specific punishment for offenders. 

Penalty for Lacking a Penalty

Leaving the penalty for gay sex up to the whim and imagination of Islamic fundamentalists can be both a dangerous and deadly game — as many executed gays have learned with the loss of their very lives and over the strong objections of human rights organizations around the world.

While the usual choices for disobedience are 100 lashes of the whip, beheading or stoning to death, the Taliban recently has invented the novel but lethal practice of lining up convicted sodomites next to a stone wall. Then they crush them to death by toppling the structure over their bodies.

Delusional  Terrorists

The Taliban and other Islamic fundamentalists might have succeeded in executing many sodomites.

But they are seriously deluding themselves if they really think that their murderous rampages will ever effectively extirpate the rampant, ubiquitous and endemic sodomy in their midst.

Mr. Akerley is a Culver City resident.